Tag Archives: China

Art Time-lapse Travel Video

Stunning Shanghai – [TIME-LAPSE]

Rob Whitworth‘s latest time production provides a startling visual insight into the rise of one China’s fastest growing cities.  The film captures the pace and frenetic activity of life in this mega-city. Created together with urban identity expert JT Singh, the piece is a mesmerizing:

roller coaster ride seamlessly weaving between the iconic, sparkling and mismatched buildings of the financial district travelling by boat and taxi touring Shanghai’s impressive infrastructure whilst glimpsing some of the lesser-known aspects of Shanghai life such as the lower stratum areas or the stunning graffiti of Moganshan road.

This is Shanghai from Rob Whitworth on Vimeo.


Time-lapse Travel Video

China as you’ve never seen before – [TIME-LAPSE]

Artem Pryadko and Dmitry Shishkovski’s fantastic time-lapse video captures the sights and sounds of the bustling Chinese cities of Guangzhou, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

(h/t mashable)